Motherlode & A New Quest!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 7:00:00 AM

Welcome to the Motherlode!

Hello and welcome back, Heroes! For this week, you may notice a new area to the far west of the Timberlode Threshold. Say hello to the Motherlode, a massive valley with a basin that separates two villages— Gimmick and Tropeton!

Journey through the lush greenery, slay some trainees, and ponder why there are CLicHe agents everywhere...


Ronan’s New Hat & New Content!

While you’re there, seek out the (strangely massive) hat-wearing gentleman known as Ronan. He’s been trying, with quite low levels of success, to woo a woman called Agatha. Help Ronan figure out what he needs to do to impress her! Hint: it may involve cheese.

Of course, with a hat-themed quest— you’d be recieving a hat-themed reward! Plus, we've also added some fixes to two quests, "Farcical Feast" and "Bogged Down in a Creepy Hollow".

And for all of you Mithril-fanatics out there, don’t think that we’ve forgotten about you. There’s a new Gladiator Sword recipe that drops from some higher level monsters, so get slaying! As always, make sure to read through the full patch notes on our Discord if you want to know everything we’ve changed and added for this update!

From the Developer

A few people have been asking me about "what we're working on". A new blog post will likely happen sometime this month, but from a high level, the "big features" I'm working on in the engine are (in roughly this order):

"The Big Update": We're still keeping it close to our chest, but it's the corporate factions we've discussed before. It will have some new gameplay and let players compete to make their department the winning group!

Gathering Rework: We've showed this off before, but this is a new idea. We had to make it so that the various gathering skills were a bit more active and higher levels are less reliant on rare spawns.

Cooperative Gathering: This is a higher level system to make it so that players can find rarer spawns and get benefits from cooperating with other players to try to take advantage of them.

Damage Subtypes: This is actually one of the thorns to designing many interesting monsters. We are planning to have different weapons have different damage types and add weaknesses and strengths to all monsters, to make them feel more varied.

Customizable Items: Currently all items are the same type, so if we have to create a +1 sword for example, we need to create a new variation of that item for it. If we do this, we will be able to actually create upgrade chains.

The rest of the team is working on their own areas as well. New maps, new quests, and new items are added to the game independently of that. We’re very excited to get these bigger features in-game, and we can’t wait to hear what you guys think!

- Heleor

Special Thanks!

Once again, special thanks to everyone who has joined our Patreon!

Bryce Bedard, R J, Freshairkaboom, & Joshua

Thank you all so much again for the support. Remember, everyone who pledges at $10 and more gets a free cosmetic, so be sure to check us out if you’re interested. See you all again next week!